Helena’s 7 Gardening Tips

Helena's Garden


Helena’s garden is nestled in the foothills of Grass Valley- Northern CA. Elevation 2600 feet. Her generous spirit is reflected in her 400sq ft garden. She effortlessly plants enough for her family & neighbors. Her tips for gardening success are..

  1. Pet ducks! They are friendly, munch on slugs and  keep the golden retriever entertained.
  2. Grow invasive herbs in containers. Keep near kitchen for easy access. Examples are mint, oregano, sage & thyme. If not contained, they take over gardens.
  3. Borage is one of her favorite plants. Great for attracting bees. Young leaves can be used in salads. Blue blossoms are great for garnishing.
  4. Want huge tomatoes? Get out your boom box and play music to them.
  5. Try a  concoction of chicken manure & water and let sit  for 3 weeks. Then it is poured onto the plants…magic happens. 1-2 inches of manure per 5 gallons of water. (1 cup around base of plant)
  6. Cabbage leaves are great for wrapping and stuffing!
  7. Grow extra seedlings and give them away! People love these gifts & so much appreciate the time you have spent nurturing the plant.



Chicken Magic

1-2 inches of chicken manure simmers or 3 weeks. She then pours 1 cup of it for each plant for a nitrogen boost.

Make sure herbs are close to kitchen! Grow the invasive ones in containers.

Helena Tomatoes
Helena’s huge tomatoes- she attributes this to the “boom box”








Helena's Cabbage
Cabbage leaves are great for wrapping & stuffing. Try a mixture of ground chicken, uncooked rice, spices, herbs, raisins & sunflower seeds. For the recipe, susan@gardengoddesses.org


400 sq ft can provide enough food for family & neighbors

Ducks add to the garden ambiance. They love slugs & other pests.



Borage is a great addition to the garden. Edible, easy to grow & attracts bees.

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